Clearing – Student Stories | AECC University College

Clearing – Student Stories

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Student Stories

Read all about the diverse experiences of current AECC University College students that have come to us via UCAS Clearing.

Darragh Kelly's Story

A Smooth Clearing Process

Darragh Kelly has completed his first year of BSc (Hons) Radiography (Radiotherapy and Oncology) after entering AECC UC through Clearing last year. He shares his experience of Clearing and how he found the move over from Ireland:

Why did you apply through Clearing?

“I had previously looked at AECC UC before Clearing opened, but I hadn’t put it down as one of my options. I then saw the Radiography course in Clearing and thought it was a good opportunity.

“The course interested me and the location looked good too. I think it’s cool that AECC UC is a health science-focused university instead of it being just a branch of their focus.

“I thought the Clearing process was pretty smooth. When I applied to AECC UC, I was surprised to get the offer of an interview.

“The interview was nice and relaxed, and it wasn’t like they were trying to catch me out on anything. I then got my offer. This all happened within two days which was a quick process.

“Going over to AECC UC was my first time being in England so it was a big change for me going from the countryside of my hometown to Bournemouth town.

“The beach is amazing and it’s really nice being so close to a town centre. Public transport is quite prominent over here too.

“I’m really glad I got the chance to be accepted through Clearing. It was like a fresh start for me and I have no regrets.”

Bobby Tamplin's Story

Changing Career Path

Bobby is looking at the potential to change his career path by studying Chiropractic, which he applied to through UCAS Clearing.

Why did you apply through Clearing?

“I’m studying at AECC University College for my second degree. My first degree was in Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences at Bournemouth University and I graduated in 2019. I worked in Microbiology for a couple of years, but found I wasn’t enjoying it as much as I had thought.

“I wanted a change of career as I really love working with people, as well as finding the science of how the human body works fascinating. I chose Chiropractic as something that combines both of these interests.

“There aren’t many places that teach Chiropractic in the UK. I visited a few of the Universities and decided that AECC University College would be the best option for me. It was great to be back in Bournemouth, as I knew the area really well and love it here.”


Noah Thurnherr's Story

International Student Experience.

Noah applied to AECC University College as an international student through Clearing.

Why did you apply through Clearing?

“I applied to AECC University College as an international student through Clearing. It was straightforward to do on UCAS and I heard back within a couple of days. There was a slight issue with my English qualification, which luckily we were able to resolve.”

“Both of my parents studied at AECC University College in the nineties – they actually met here. My mum is Swedish and my dad is Swiss. They were very positive about their experience here.”

“I didn’t actually get to visit the University properly before starting, but I really like it here.”

Relocating to Bournemouth

“I stayed in an Airbnb for the first few weeks, until I found my feet. I asked around as I got to know people whether anyone knew of any accommodation that was available and found a shared house that way. Next year, I’ll be sharing with friends that I have made on the course.”

“AECC University College is much more focused on Chiropractic than my previous University and the community is smaller, which works for me.”


Male students in Cavendish House Socialising

Life as an AECC UC Student

At AECC University College, the breath-taking setting, remarkable campus, and dynamic learning community converge to offer boundless opportunities both on-site and in the surrounding area. Seamlessly blend your studies with personal interests and activities to embrace a fulfilling academic and lifestyle experience.


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Martin Kumm Profile Picture

Martin Kumm tells the story of his journey from graduation to achieving his dream job as a chiropractor for the EF Education Easy-Post professional cycling team.

Pippa Myres Dancing

Professional ballet dancer Pippa Myres had to re-think her career and is now training to become a podiatrist on the MSc Podiatry course.

Callum Moss

Callum Moss is a First Year student on the MSc Physiotherapy (pre-registration) course at AECC University College. We recently caught up with him to hear more about his decision to study to become a physiotherapist and why AECC UC is an appealing specialist university.

Aurora Paris With Rugby Team

We hear about Aurora’s work experience within Rugby and why she enjoys studying within the close-knit community at AECC University College.

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